
Showing posts from June, 2017

IT Class End of Quarter Reflection

I have always thought technology integration is a must and now that I had the opportunity to learn more about it, reflect on it and really work on it, I am even more convinced! This is one of my quotes from my very first blog entry: " It is a new era and a new time in education in which technology plays a big part in it. Some fear it and others welcome it. Those who welcome it are in the right path because education has evolved and teachers need to evolve too. Our students are not the same of 50 years ago. Our students communicate in new ways and in order to succeed in their learning achievement, we need to learn their language" I still firmly believe that and even more so.  In this class I learned that technology can be integrated in so many ways! You can teach an entire class and have student interact constantly though technology. This is what we did in our classes and I loved it! I really liked when we used Padlet because we were able to see all our res